Tuesday 22 December 2020

Increase Your Productivity During the Wintertime: 11 Expert Tips

This article has been contributed by Ioana Ciobanu.

If you’re living in a place where the sun shines all year round, then go ahead and skip this article. Go outside and take a deep breath of fresh air and let that Vitamin D sink into your system, you lucky person!

However, if you live in a place where seasons change every few months (I’d say three, but with climate change the way it is, that may not always be accurate), you’re on the right page.

For a lot of people, changes in weather can get pretty messy. The transition from warm, summer days to darker days without direct sunlight leads to fatigue and well… less productive time on the clock.

Weather affects us all, whether we like it or not, so it’s no surprise that it can take a toll on productivity levels.

It’s not just the change of weather that damages our creative streak, but also the never-ending emails and tight deadlines that many of us need to meet during this time of the year. It’s no wonder professionals from all industries are having a tough time when it comes to ending the year at high productivity levels – especially after a year that brought all the challenges that 2020 did.

So how do we end the year on a high and stay productive into the new year?

The editorial team behind the graphic design platform, Bannersnack, has gathered some tips and tricks for you on how to stay productive and creative during the cold season. They’ve put together an article with expert advice on wintertime productivity by reaching out to 11 marketing experts and asking them the following question:

“How do you stay productive and creative during the winter season?”

Here are their answers in an insightful infographic that sums up their recommendations.

Staying Creative and Productive During Winter Infographic

In a nutshell, here are the answers from our 11 marketing experts on how stay productive and creative during the colder months:

  1. Jay Acunzo, Founder at Marketing Showrunners, invites marketers to look at things that frustrate them with a different perspective. Turn them into motivators that can fuel the wish to change for the better.
  2. Write down your goals for a visual approach. Seeing things ticked off your list daily can lead to productivity improvement, is the advice given by Andy Crestodina, Co-Founder and Chief Marketing Officer at Orbit Media Studios, Inc.
  3. Jay Baer, the founder at Convince and Convert, says to use the cold weather to your advantage. Since people are busy with their holidays, use the downtime for your work sessions.
  4. Think of the stress generated by the end of the year’s chaos as a challenge you must overcome is what Lauren Branich, Director of Digital Marketing and Business Development at NewsCenter1 Media Group, suggests.
  5. Never underestimate the importance of taking a break. It can sometimes give you the inspiration you lack, says Margaret Petta, Digital Marketing Specialist at Rocket Digital.
  6. Heidi Cohen, Chief Marketing Officer at Actionable Marketing Guide, invites us to make sure we plan everything. However, if at times things don’t go as planned, well, tough luck.
  7. Unplanned events? No problem says Bjarke Bekhøj, Direktør and Partner at Become ApS. Allow yourself to be interrupted by unexpected things, just don’t let this exception turn into a rule.
  8. Make sure you watch over your energy levels. Sometimes shorter business hours might be just what the doctor ordered, is what Marijana Kay, freelance SaaS content marketer suggests.
  9. Andréa Jones, Social Media Strategist, says that there can be such a thing as too much internet! So go ahead and have a break from it. Turn off notifications and settle in with a good book – your creativity might get the jump start it needs.
  10. Brittany Berger, Founder at Work Brighter and Content Marketing Strategist, tells us that it’s essential to pay attention to your natural rhythm and make your working schedule fit that rhythm. Energy management is not just another buzzword.
  11. Stick to business hours. Allow yourself time with the family or friends, doing something that relaxes you or sparks joy, suggests Doriana Antohi, Product Marketing Specialist at Bannersnack.

Final Thoughts

Hopefully, these tips can help you shake things off and boost productivity. I hope you find what works best for you and apply it every time the blues knock on your door.

How do you manage to stay productive and creative? Let us know in the comments section below!


About the author: Ioana Ciobanu is a PR & Communication Specialist at Bannersnack. A bookworm in disguise, she is also passionate about networking, personal development, and employer branding strategies. 

The post Increase Your Productivity During the Wintertime: 11 Expert Tips first appeared on JUST™ Creative.

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